07:58:27.590 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\log\Dispatcher |
07:58:27.590 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\user\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.590 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: user |
07:58:27.591 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::open | Opening redis DB connection: localhost:6379, database=3 |
07:58:27.592 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: AUTH |
07:58:27.592 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SELECT |
07:58:27.592 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\team\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: team |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\tournament\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: tournament |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\player\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: player |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\hdbk\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: hdbk |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\match\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: match |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\redaction\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: redaction |
07:58:27.594 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: debug |
07:58:27.596 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\debug\Module::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.596 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: gii |
07:58:27.596 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\gii\Module::bootstrap() |
07:58:27.597 | info | yii\db\Connection::open | Opening DB connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=bsr |
07:58:27.598 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_competition` WHERE `alias`='tournaments' |
07:58:27.599 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `alias`='match zvezd-2015-match zvezd 2015' |
07:58:27.603 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.603 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.603 | trace | yii\web\Application::handleRequest | Route requested: 'tournament/frontend/teams/index' |
07:58:27.604 | trace | yii\base\Controller::runAction | Route to run: tournament/frontend/teams/index |
07:58:27.604 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=170 |
07:58:27.604 | trace | yii\base\InlineAction::runWithParams | Running action: app\modules\tournament\controllers\frontend\TeamsController::actionIndex() |
07:58:27.605 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=170) |
07:58:27.608 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.608 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.608 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (325, 326) |
07:58:27.609 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.609 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.610 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (325, 326) ORDER BY team.team_id = 9 DESC, `team`.`full_name` |
07:58:27.611 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/tournament/views/frontend/teams/index.php |
07:58:27.612 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE `tournament_id`=170 |
07:58:27.613 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=170 |
07:58:27.614 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=170 |
07:58:27.615 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2015-09-19') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2015-09-19')) AND (`team_id`=326) ORDER BY `since` DESC |
07:58:27.618 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE 0=1 |
07:58:27.619 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2015-09-19') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2015-09-19')) AND (`team_id`=325) ORDER BY `since` DESC |
07:58:27.619 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE 0=1 |
07:58:27.619 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/tournament/views/layouts/frontend/default.php |
07:58:27.620 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=169 |
07:58:27.621 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=169 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC |
07:58:27.624 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `match`.`start_dt` FROM `match` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `match`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`match`.`start_dt` < '2025-01-16 05:00:00') AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`tournament_id`=170) ORDER BY `match`.`start_dt` DESC LIMIT 1 |
07:58:27.624 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `match`.`start_dt` FROM `match` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `match`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`match`.`start_dt` > '2025-01-17 05:00:00') AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`tournament_id`=170) ORDER BY `match`.`start_dt` LIMIT 1 |
07:58:27.625 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament`.* FROM `tournament` INNER JOIN `match` ON `tournament`.`tournament_id` = `match`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=170) OR (`tournament`.`parent_tournament_id`=170)) AND ((NOT (`match`.`start_dt` IS NULL)) AND ((NOT (`team1_id` IS NULL)) OR (NOT (`team1_placeholder` IS NULL))) AND ((NOT (`team2_id` IS NULL)) OR (NOT (`team2_placeholder` IS NULL))) AND (`match`.`start_dt` BETWEEN '2025-01-16 05:00:00' AND '2025-01-17 05:00:00')) ORDER BY `tournament`.`order`, `tournament`.`full_name` |
07:58:27.627 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/Scoreboard/views/widget.php |
07:58:27.627 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/tournament/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_tournament-header.php |
07:58:27.627 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_competition` WHERE `competition_id`=35 |
07:58:27.628 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.628 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.628 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/tournament/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_tournament-filter.php |
07:58:27.628 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.628 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `hdbk_season`.* FROM `hdbk_season` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `hdbk_season`.`season_id` = `tournament`.`season_id` WHERE (`tournament`.`competition_id`=35) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC, `season_id` DESC, `order` |
07:58:27.631 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.631 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.631 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`season_id`=20) ORDER BY `order` |
07:58:27.647 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_season` WHERE `season_id`=20 |
07:58:27.647 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`season_id`=20) AND (`parent_tournament_id` IS NULL) AND (`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`competition_id`=35) ORDER BY isnull(`order`), `order`, `start_dt` DESC |
07:58:27.649 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`season_id`=20) AND (`is_published`=1) AND (`competition_id`=35) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC, isnull(parent_tournament_id) |
07:58:27.650 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=169 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC) `c` |
07:58:27.652 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=169 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC |
07:58:27.652 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`is_published`=1) AND (`parent_tournament_id`=169) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC |
07:58:27.654 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/frontend/common/_tournaments-select.php |
07:58:27.654 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM tournament |
07:58:27.656 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SET |
07:58:27.657 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_place` WHERE (`main`=1) AND (`tournament_id`=170) |
07:58:27.658 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=170) |
07:58:27.658 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (325, 326) |
07:58:27.659 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=170) |
07:58:27.659 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (325, 326) |
07:58:27.660 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (325, 326) ORDER BY `full_name`) `c` |
07:58:27.661 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tag` WHERE (`module`='tournament') AND (`item_id`=170) |
07:58:27.664 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.664 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.664 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT EXISTS(SELECT `post`.* FROM `post` INNER JOIN `post_tag_assn` ON post_tag_assn.post_id = post.post_id WHERE (`post`.`type`='news') AND (`post`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`post`.`is_public`=1) AND (`post_tag_assn`.`tag_id`=170)) |
07:58:27.666 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT EXISTS(SELECT `post`.* FROM `post` INNER JOIN `post_tag_assn` ON post_tag_assn.post_id = post.post_id WHERE (`post`.`type`='article') AND (`post`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`post`.`is_public`=1) AND (`post_tag_assn`.`tag_id`=170)) |
07:58:27.667 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/SocialSidebar/views/social-sidebar.php |
07:58:27.667 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/SocialShare/views/social-share.php |
07:58:27.667 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/default.php |
07:58:27.667 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_header.php |
07:58:27.667 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.668 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.668 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `id`=1 |
07:58:27.669 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.669 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT
hdbk_competition AS c
tournament AS t ON t.competition_id = c.competition_id
round AS r ON r.tournament_id = t.tournament_id |
07:58:27.676 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_footer.php |
07:58:27.676 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='confidentiality' |
07:58:27.676 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
07:58:27.677 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
07:58:27.677 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='use_info' |
07:58:27.678 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `partner` |
07:58:27.678 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_socials.php |
07:58:27.678 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/YandexMetrika/views/yandex-metrika.php |
07:58:27.678 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/LiveInternet/views/live-internet.php |