6789a8ee9e4f8: GET http://bsrussia.local.internet-design.ru/tournaments/Kubok-dvuh-stolits-2016-Kubok-dvuh-stolits-2016/teams at 2025-01-17 03:48:46 am by

Performance Profiling

Total processing time: 118 ms; Peak memory: 7.598 MB. Show Profiling Timeline

Всего 62 записи.
03:48:46.6514.0 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `alias`='Kubok-dvuh-stolits-2016-Kubok-dvuh-stolits-2016'
03:48:46.7473.9 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT COUNT(*) FROM hdbk_competition AS c INNER JOIN tournament AS t ON t.competition_id = c.competition_id INNER JOIN round AS r ON r.tournament_id = t.tournament_id
03:48:46.7393.7 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tag` WHERE (`module`='tournament') AND (`item_id`=245)
03:48:46.6972.7 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `hdbk_season`.* FROM `hdbk_season` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `hdbk_season`.`season_id` = `tournament`.`season_id` WHERE (`tournament`.`competition_id`=39) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC, `season_id` DESC, `order`
03:48:46.7002.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`season_id`=21) ORDER BY `order`
03:48:46.6931.6 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `tournament`.* FROM `tournament` INNER JOIN `match` ON `tournament`.`tournament_id` = `match`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=245) OR (`tournament`.`parent_tournament_id`=245)) AND ((NOT (`match`.`start_dt` IS NULL)) AND ((NOT (`team1_id` IS NULL)) OR (NOT (`team1_placeholder` IS NULL))) AND ((NOT (`team2_id` IS NULL)) OR (NOT (`team2_placeholder` IS NULL))) AND (`match`.`start_dt` BETWEEN '2025-01-16 05:00:00' AND '2025-01-17 05:00:00')) ORDER BY `tournament`.`order`, `tournament`.`full_name`
03:48:46.7251.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`is_published`=1) AND (`parent_tournament_id`=244) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC
03:48:46.7231.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=244 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC) `c`
03:48:46.6891.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=244 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC
03:48:46.7271.0 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM tournament
03:48:46.7431.0 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT EXISTS(SELECT `post`.* FROM `post` INNER JOIN `post_tag_assn` ON post_tag_assn.post_id = post.post_id WHERE (`post`.`type`='news') AND (`post`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`post`.`is_public`=1) AND (`post_tag_assn`.`tag_id`=245))
03:48:46.6770.8 msyii\db\Command::querySHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `hdbk_city`
03:48:46.7210.8 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`season_id`=21) AND (`is_published`=1) AND (`competition_id`=39) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC, isnull(parent_tournament_id)
03:48:46.7200.8 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`season_id`=21) AND (`parent_tournament_id` IS NULL) AND (`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`competition_id`=39) ORDER BY isnull(`order`), `order`, `start_dt` DESC
03:48:46.7290.8 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament_place` WHERE (`main`=1) AND (`tournament_id`=245)
03:48:46.7380.8 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 50, 102, 122, 153, 255) ORDER BY `full_name`) `c`
03:48:46.6590.7 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=245)
03:48:46.6650.6 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 50, 102, 122, 153, 255) ORDER BY team.team_id = 9 DESC, `team`.`full_name`
03:48:46.6490.5 msyii\db\Connection::openOpening DB connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=bsr
03:48:46.6500.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_competition` WHERE `alias`='tournaments'
03:48:46.6610.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 50, 102, 122, 153, 255)
03:48:46.6850.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=41296
03:48:46.6780.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT kcu.constraint_name, kcu.column_name, kcu.referenced_table_name, kcu.referenced_column_name FROM information_schema.referential_constraints AS rc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON ( kcu.constraint_catalog = rc.constraint_catalog OR (kcu.constraint_catalog IS NULL AND rc.constraint_catalog IS NULL) ) AND kcu.constraint_schema = rc.constraint_schema AND kcu.constraint_name = rc.constraint_name WHERE rc.constraint_schema = database() AND kcu.table_schema = database() AND rc.table_name = 'hdbk_city' AND kcu.table_name = 'hdbk_city'
03:48:46.6710.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE `tournament_id`=245
03:48:46.6830.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=20386
03:48:46.6570.5 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=245
03:48:46.6810.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=4) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6920.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `match`.`start_dt` FROM `match` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `match`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`match`.`start_dt` < '2025-01-16 05:00:00') AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`tournament_id`=245) ORDER BY `match`.`start_dt` DESC LIMIT 1
03:48:46.7440.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT EXISTS(SELECT `post`.* FROM `post` INNER JOIN `post_tag_assn` ON post_tag_assn.post_id = post.post_id WHERE (`post`.`type`='article') AND (`post`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`post`.`is_public`=1) AND (`post_tag_assn`.`tag_id`=245))
03:48:46.6760.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=255) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.7520.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='confidentiality'
03:48:46.6800.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_category` WHERE `category_id`=2
03:48:46.7460.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `id`=1
03:48:46.6950.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_competition` WHERE `competition_id`=39
03:48:46.7540.4 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='use_info'
03:48:46.7200.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_season` WHERE `season_id`=21
03:48:46.6890.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=244
03:48:46.6770.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=18026
03:48:46.7550.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT COUNT(*) FROM `partner`
03:48:46.6920.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `match`.`start_dt` FROM `match` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `match`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`match`.`start_dt` > '2025-01-17 05:00:00') AND (`tournament`.`in_schedule`=1) AND (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament`.`in_ru`=1) AND (`tournament`.`tournament_id`=245) ORDER BY `match`.`start_dt` LIMIT 1
03:48:46.6730.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=245
03:48:46.6750.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=245
03:48:46.6830.3 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=5) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6860.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=6) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6840.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=122) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6870.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=3) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6820.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=29) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6860.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=50) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6850.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=153) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6880.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team_history` WHERE (`since` <= '2016-05-21') AND ((`to` IS NULL) OR (`to` >= '2016-05-21')) AND (`team_id`=102) ORDER BY `since` DESC
03:48:46.6820.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17849
03:48:46.7310.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 50, 102, 122, 153, 255)
03:48:46.7350.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id` IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 50, 102, 122, 153, 255)
03:48:46.7340.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=245)
03:48:46.6880.2 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17915
03:48:46.7300.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT `tournament_team`.* FROM `tournament_team` LEFT JOIN `team` ON `tournament_team`.`team_id` = `team`.`team_id` WHERE (`status`='approved') AND (`tournament_team`.`tournament_id`=245)
03:48:46.7240.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `parent_tournament_id`=244 ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC
03:48:46.6840.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17849
03:48:46.6820.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=18026
03:48:46.6860.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17849
03:48:46.6870.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17849
03:48:46.6870.1 msyii\db\Command::querySELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE `city_id`=17849