16:57:12.557 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\log\Dispatcher |
16:57:12.557 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\user\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.557 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: user |
16:57:12.558 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::open | Opening redis DB connection: localhost:6379, database=3 |
16:57:12.558 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: AUTH |
16:57:12.558 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SELECT |
16:57:12.558 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\team\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: team |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\tournament\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: tournament |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\player\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: player |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\hdbk\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: hdbk |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\match\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: match |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with app\modules\redaction\Bootstrap::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: redaction |
16:57:12.560 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: debug |
16:57:12.561 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\debug\Module::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.562 | trace | yii\base\Module::getModule | Loading module: gii |
16:57:12.562 | trace | yii\base\Application::bootstrap | Bootstrap with yii\gii\Module::bootstrap() |
16:57:12.563 | info | yii\db\Connection::open | Opening DB connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=bsr |
16:57:12.564 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `alias`='persons' |
16:57:12.565 | trace | yii\web\Application::handleRequest | Route requested: 'player/frontend/matches/index' |
16:57:12.565 | trace | yii\base\Controller::runAction | Route to run: player/frontend/matches/index |
16:57:12.565 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.566 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.566 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `player` WHERE `player_id`=885 |
16:57:12.568 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team_player` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND (`team_id`=9) ORDER BY `in` |
16:57:12.568 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.568 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.568 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `team_id` FROM `team` WHERE (`type`='mix') AND (`is_national`=1) AND (`country_id`=219) |
16:57:12.568 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT
sp.player_id, sp.season_id, sp.competition_id, sp.team_id, sp.tournament_id,
sum(games) as games,
sum(goals) as goals,
sum(freekick_goals) as freekick_goals,
sum(penalties) as penalties,
sum(assists) as assists,
sum(second_assists) as second_assists,
sum(shoots) as shoots,
sum(shoots_target) as shoots_target,
sum(biciclets) as biciclets,
sum(freekicks) as freekicks,
sum(plus_minus) as plus_minus,
sum(fouls) as fouls,
sum(corners) as corners,
sum(shoots_block) as shoots_block,
sum(yellow_cards) as yellow_cards,
sum(red_cards) as red_cards,
sum(saves) as saves,
sum(gk_shoots_target) as gk_shoots_target,
sum(gk_shoots_postbar) as gk_shoots_postbar,
sum(missed_goals) as missed_goals
FROM stats_player as sp INNER JOIN hdbk_season as s ON s.season_id = sp.season_id INNER JOIN tournament as t ON t.tournament_id = sp.tournament_id WHERE sp.player_id = 885 AND t.is_unofficial = 0 AND sp.team_id IN (9,257,261,325,326,531,563) GROUP BY sp.season_id ORDER BY s.start_dt DESC, s.season_id DESC |
16:57:12.569 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.569 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.569 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.569 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.569 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.570 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `team_player`.* FROM `team_player` LEFT JOIN `player` ON `team_player`.`player_id` = `player`.`player_id` WHERE (`team_player`.`status`='accepted') AND (`team_player`.`team_id`=9) ORDER BY isnull(team_player.number), `team_player`.`number` |
16:57:12.570 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `player` WHERE `player_id` IN (309, 5729, 98, 1843, 114, 115, 116, 117, 2576, 120, 97, 257, 265, 256, 266, 83, 2277, 95, 822, 689, 2438, 1903, 7427) |
16:57:12.575 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `team_player`.* FROM `team_player` LEFT JOIN `player` ON `team_player`.`player_id` = `player`.`player_id` WHERE (`team_player`.`status`='left') AND (NOT (`team_player`.`player_id` IN (309, 5729, 98, 1843, 114, 115, 116, 117, 2576, 120, 97, 257, 265, 256, 266, 83, 2277, 95, 822, 689, 2438, 1903, 7427))) AND (`team_player`.`team_id`=9) ORDER BY isnull(team_player.number), `team_player`.`number` |
16:57:12.576 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `player` WHERE `player_id` IN (108, 137, 262, 119, 287, 5319, 4940, 10335, 1567, 10334, 1386, 6781, 77, 453, 1902, 6584, 3363, 4184, 4845, 4185, 10340, 4069, 772, 771, 286, 10339, 10338, 10337, 10336, 1385, 327, 80, 3362, 3358, 290, 277, 264, 190, 53, 3697, 136, 113, 112, 121, 135, 118, 307, 311, 444, 3266, 1914, 1895, 1891, 1890, 1862, 1410, 1297, 885, 846, 683, 451, 5325) |
16:57:12.588 | trace | yii\base\InlineAction::runWithParams | Running action: app\modules\player\controllers\frontend\MatchesController::actionIndex() |
16:57:12.588 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `team_id` FROM `team` WHERE (`type`='mix') AND (`is_national`=1) AND (`country_id`=219) |
16:57:12.588 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `hdbk_season`.* FROM `hdbk_season` INNER JOIN `stats_player` `sp` ON sp.season_id = hdbk_season.season_id WHERE (`sp`.`player_id`=885) AND (`sp`.`team_id` IN ('9', '257', '261', '325', '326', '531', '563')) ORDER BY `hdbk_season`.`start_dt` DESC, `hdbk_season`.`season_id` DESC |
16:57:12.588 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.589 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.589 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team_player` `tr` WHERE `player_id`=885 |
16:57:12.589 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE (`is_published`=1) AND (`season_id`=12) AND (`tournament_id` IN ('18', '36', '39', '43', '57', '60', '62', '69', '231', '510', '508', '511', '512', '513', '514')) ORDER BY `start_dt` DESC |
16:57:12.589 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.590 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.591 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE (`type`='mix') AND (`is_national`=1) AND (`country_id`=219) |
16:57:12.593 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `match_player`.* FROM `match_player` LEFT JOIN `match` ON `match_player`.`match_id` = `match`.`match_id` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `match`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`match_player`.`player_id`=885) AND (NOT (`match`.`gf` IS NULL)) AND (NOT (`match`.`ga` IS NULL)) AND (`tournament`.`season_id`=12) AND (`match_player`.`team_id` IN (9, 257, 261, 325, 326, 531, 563)) ORDER BY `match`.`start_dt` DESC |
16:57:12.594 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.595 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.595 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match` WHERE `match_id` IN (2750, 2749, 2746, 7985, 7982, 7980, 7981, 7978, 7974, 7967, 7961, 7959, 7958, 7949, 7948, 7944, 7937, 7935, 7934, 7930, 7928) |
16:57:12.596 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.596 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.597 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id` IN (231, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514) |
16:57:12.600 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/index.php |
16:57:12.600 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team_player` WHERE (`team_player`.`status`='accepted') AND (`player_id`=885) ORDER BY `team_player`.`in` DESC |
16:57:12.600 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE 0=1 ORDER BY `team`.`is_national` DESC |
16:57:12.601 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_country` WHERE `country_id`=219 |
16:57:12.601 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.601 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.601 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/common/_stats-tabs.php |
16:57:12.601 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/frontend/common/_seasons-select.php |
16:57:12.602 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/frontend/common/_tournaments-select.php |
16:57:12.602 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=231 |
16:57:12.603 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=231) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.605 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.605 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.605 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=231 |
16:57:12.606 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.607 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((231, 9)) |
16:57:12.607 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.607 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.607 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.607 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((2750, 885)) |
16:57:12.608 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.608 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 2750
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.608 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=23 |
16:57:12.609 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.609 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.610 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((2749, 885)) |
16:57:12.610 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.610 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 2749
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.610 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=108 |
16:57:12.611 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.611 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.611 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((2746, 885)) |
16:57:12.612 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.612 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.612 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.612 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 2746
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.613 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.613 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=24 |
16:57:12.614 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=514 |
16:57:12.614 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=514) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.615 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=514 |
16:57:12.615 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.616 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((514, 9)) |
16:57:12.617 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.617 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7985, 885)) |
16:57:12.617 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.617 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7985
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.618 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.618 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=62 |
16:57:12.619 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.619 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7982, 885)) |
16:57:12.619 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.619 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7982
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.620 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.620 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=57 |
16:57:12.621 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.621 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7980, 885)) |
16:57:12.621 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.621 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7980
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.622 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.622 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=14 |
16:57:12.623 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.623 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7981, 885)) |
16:57:12.623 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.623 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7981
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.624 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=62 |
16:57:12.624 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.625 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=513 |
16:57:12.626 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=513) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.626 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=513 |
16:57:12.627 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.628 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((513, 9)) |
16:57:12.628 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.628 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7978, 885)) |
16:57:12.629 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.629 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation` IN (1, 2, 3)) |
16:57:12.629 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_yellow_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.630 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_red_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.630 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=2) |
16:57:12.630 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=3) |
16:57:12.631 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `count` FROM `match_goal_missed` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.631 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7978) AND (`first_assistant`=885) |
16:57:12.631 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7978
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.632 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SET |
16:57:12.632 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.633 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=71 |
16:57:12.633 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.634 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7974, 885)) |
16:57:12.634 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.634 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation` IN (1, 2, 3)) |
16:57:12.635 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_yellow_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.635 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_red_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.635 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=2) |
16:57:12.636 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=3) |
16:57:12.636 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `count` FROM `match_goal_missed` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.636 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7974) AND (`first_assistant`=885) |
16:57:12.637 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7974
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.637 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SET |
16:57:12.638 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.638 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=14 |
16:57:12.639 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.639 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7967, 885)) |
16:57:12.639 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.640 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation` IN (1, 2, 3)) |
16:57:12.640 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_yellow_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.640 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_red_card` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.641 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=2) |
16:57:12.641 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) AND (`situation`=3) |
16:57:12.641 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `count` FROM `match_goal_missed` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`player_id`=885) |
16:57:12.642 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `match_goal` WHERE (`match_id`=7967) AND (`first_assistant`=885) |
16:57:12.642 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7967
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.642 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: SET |
16:57:12.643 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=16 |
16:57:12.643 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.644 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=512 |
16:57:12.645 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=512) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.646 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=512 |
16:57:12.646 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.647 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((512, 9)) |
16:57:12.647 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.647 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7961, 885)) |
16:57:12.648 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.648 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7961
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.649 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.650 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=57 |
16:57:12.650 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.650 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7959, 885)) |
16:57:12.651 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.651 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7959
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.652 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=14 |
16:57:12.653 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.653 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.653 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7958, 885)) |
16:57:12.654 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.654 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7958
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.655 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.656 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=12 |
16:57:12.657 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=511 |
16:57:12.658 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=511) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.658 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=511 |
16:57:12.659 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.660 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((511, 9)) |
16:57:12.660 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.661 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7949, 885)) |
16:57:12.661 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.661 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7949
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.662 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=16 |
16:57:12.663 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.663 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.663 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7948, 885)) |
16:57:12.664 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.664 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7948
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.665 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.665 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=14 |
16:57:12.666 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.666 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7944, 885)) |
16:57:12.666 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.667 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7944
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.667 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.668 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=62 |
16:57:12.669 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=510 |
16:57:12.669 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=510) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.670 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=510 |
16:57:12.671 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.671 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((510, 9)) |
16:57:12.672 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.672 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7937, 885)) |
16:57:12.672 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.672 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7937
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.673 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.674 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=16 |
16:57:12.674 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.674 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7935, 885)) |
16:57:12.675 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.675 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7935
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.675 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=14 |
16:57:12.676 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.677 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.677 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7934, 885)) |
16:57:12.677 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.677 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7934
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.678 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=57 |
16:57:12.678 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.679 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=508 |
16:57:12.680 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player`.* FROM `tournament_team_player` LEFT JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND ((`tournament`.`tournament_id`=508) AND (`tournament_team_player`.`status`='approved')) GROUP BY `team_id` ORDER BY `include_dt` |
16:57:12.681 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament` WHERE `tournament_id`=508 |
16:57:12.685 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.686 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `tournament_team` WHERE (`tournament_id`, `team_id`) IN ((508, 9)) |
16:57:12.686 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.686 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7930, 885)) |
16:57:12.687 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.687 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7930
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.687 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=75 |
16:57:12.688 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.688 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/frontend/matches/_match-row.php |
16:57:12.689 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `match_player_stats` WHERE (`match_id`, `player_id`) IN ((7928, 885)) |
16:57:12.689 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.689 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM match_player
WHERE match_id = 7928
AND player_id = 885 |
16:57:12.689 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=67 |
16:57:12.690 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team` WHERE `team_id`=9 |
16:57:12.691 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/layouts/frontend/default.php |
16:57:12.691 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/modules/player/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/russia/_player-header.php |
16:57:12.691 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.691 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.691 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `tournament_team_player_result`.* FROM `tournament_team_player_result` INNER JOIN `tournament` ON `tournament_team_player_result`.`tournament_id` = `tournament`.`tournament_id` WHERE (`tournament`.`is_published`=1) AND (`tournament_team_player_result`.`player_id`=885) ORDER BY `tournament`.`start_dt` DESC LIMIT 6 |
16:57:12.694 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/SocialSidebar/views/social-sidebar.php |
16:57:12.695 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/SocialShare/views/social-share.php |
16:57:12.695 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `team_player` WHERE (`player_id`=885) AND (NOT (`team_id`=9)) ORDER BY `in` |
16:57:12.696 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_city` WHERE 0=1 |
16:57:12.696 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `hdbk_player_position` WHERE `position_id`=2 |
16:57:12.696 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.696 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.696 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `m`.* FROM `match` `m` INNER JOIN `match_player` `mp` ON mp.match_id = m.match_id INNER JOIN `tournament` `t` ON t.tournament_id = m.tournament_id WHERE ((`mp`.`player_id`=885) AND (`t`.`is_unofficial`=0)) AND (`mp`.`team_id`=9) ORDER BY `m`.`start_dt` |
16:57:12.697 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT `m`.* FROM `match` `m` INNER JOIN `match_player` `mp` ON mp.match_id = m.match_id INNER JOIN `tournament` `t` ON t.tournament_id = m.tournament_id WHERE ((`mp`.`player_id`=885) AND (`t`.`is_unofficial`=0)) AND (`mp`.`team_id`=9) ORDER BY `m`.`start_dt` |
16:57:12.698 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/default.php |
16:57:12.698 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_header.php |
16:57:12.698 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.698 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.698 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `id`=1 |
16:57:12.699 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.699 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT
hdbk_competition AS c
tournament AS t ON t.competition_id = c.competition_id
round AS r ON r.tournament_id = t.tournament_id |
16:57:12.700 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_footer.php |
16:57:12.700 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='confidentiality' |
16:57:12.700 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: GET |
16:57:12.701 | trace | yii\redis\Connection::executeCommand | Executing Redis Command: MGET |
16:57:12.701 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT * FROM `page` WHERE `page`.`alias`='use_info' |
16:57:12.701 | info | yii\db\Command::query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `partner` |
16:57:12.702 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/views/layouts/frontend/blocks/_socials.php |
16:57:12.702 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/YandexMetrika/views/yandex-metrika.php |
16:57:12.702 | trace | yii\base\View::renderFile | Rendering view file: /var/www/bsrussia/web/widgets/LiveInternet/views/live-internet.php |